The Life of Clara Luper: A Pioneer of the American Civil Rights Movement

This exhibit explore the life of Clara Luper, an activist and history educator who was born and raised in Oklahoma during the Jim Crow era. She experienced racial discrimination and injustice firsthand, which motivated her to combat racism and segregation.

Open date

February 2, 2021

Close date

August 7, 2021

Exhibit type

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Clara Luper (1923-2011) was born and raised in Jim Crow era-Oklahoma and felt firsthand the racial discrimination and injustice that pervaded society. Through her activism with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and her work as a history educator she spent her life combatting racism and segregation in Oklahoma and the United States. Her tireless efforts helped not only to desegregate public accommodations in Oklahoma, but to improve cooperation and understanding between all Oklahomans, Black and White alike, and her legacy lives on today.

"I want to be remembered as a lover of people, who wanted, more than anything else, to help somebody, knowing that if I could help somebody, I would not have lived in vain." - Clara Luper

This exhibit utilizes archival material to present a timeline of Luper's life and accomplishments. As you explore, consider her impact on the Civil Rights movement both in Oklahoma and the United States.

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