Natalie Overall Warren

Natalie Overall Warren
“Her father was an outstanding educator and her mother was a voice instructor. In this advantageous situation Natalie recognized the need to provide help and encouragement for the less fortunate.”
Natalie Overall Warren was born in Tennessee and moved with her family to Nashville when she was seven years old. She grew up in the home of well-educated parents and at age 21 married her childhood sweetheart William, who was leading a successful career in oil. Together they raised a family of seven children and provided leadership and financial help for worthwhile causes. Mrs. Warren was an officer of the Women’s Advisory Committee of Notre Dame University, vice president of the William K. Warren Foundation, an honorary life member of Saint Francis Hospital Auxiliary, a life member of Campfire Girls and YWCA, and an active member of Boston Avenue United Methodist Church in Tulsa.
Fun fact
Natalie Warren served on the senior board of the Children’s Day Nursery of Tulsa for 20 years and continued as an associate member throughout her life.
Oklahoma connections
Warren came to Oklahoma with her husband at the age of 21.