Phil Parduhn

Phil Parduhn
“I was never accused of an abundance of brilliance or possessing a great deal of wit, but I know of the rewards one could ever receive this one is the biggie, this one is it. The accolades received by those gathered here I’m sure will never be met, but the magnitude of these tremendous awards I’m sure are still soaking in yet.”
Chairman of Pelco Products, Inc., in Edmond and Pelco Structural, LLC, in Claremore, Parduhn holds degrees from both Oklahoma State University and the University of Oklahoma. An industrial engineer by trade, his career started in innovation as co-founder of VePed Traffic Controls and Trafco Constructors with his brother-in-law in 1961. There Parduhn focused his attention on the manufacturing and distribution of traffic-related products. VePed led to the successful launch of Pelco Products, Inc., in 1985, also a manufacturer of traffic-related products. In 2005, Parduhn launched Pelco Structural, LLC, which focuses on steel infrastructure for the utility, traffic, lighting, distribution, and communication industries.
Parduhn holds numerous patents and has been awarded the Governor’s Contribution to the State’s Excellence Award, Innovator of the Year by The Journal Record, Leadership in Public Service Award by the Oklahoma Employment Securities Commission, Sam Walton Business Leader Award, Sustaining Member of the Year by the International Municipal Signal Association, Good Neighbor of the Year Award by the Neighborhood Alliance of Central Oklahoma, and the John Pinkley Lifetime Industry Member Award by Missouri Valley Institute of Transportation Engineers. Parduhn has been recognized as Edmond’s Citizen of the Year and inducted into the Edmond Hall of Fame for his commitment to community and entrepreneurial spirit.
Fun fact
Phil Parduhn played the banjo as a student entertainer while at Oklahoma State University along with his good frined, Art Homburg, who played the guitar.
Oklahoma connections
Parduhn holds degrees from both the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University in industrial engineering.