T. Howard McCasland

Class of
T. Howard McCasland

T. Howard McCasland

"…T. H. McCasland exemplifies a heritage this country must never forget…a heritage we must never lose…a heritage we cannot let die—or we, as a nation, will die as well. That heritage is a vibrant entrepreneurship…the kind of rugged individualism that built this country...”
D. M. Putnam, 1975


Native Oklahoman Thomas Howard McCasland won both scholastic and athletic honors at Duncan High School and the University of Oklahoma. Following service in World War I, he entered the rough and tumble world of the oil business where he was a lease trader, assembling wildcat blocks and promoting the drilling of wells. In 1946 he organized and became president of the Mack Oil Company. During his career, he became a leader in the independent oil business and was a director and member of the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association as well as a director and area vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America. He helped establish an Oil Information Center and was named Oklahoma’s Outstanding Oil Man in 1972. He also had interests in ranching, real estate development, and banking and investments, and was a member of the Oklahoma Highway Commission during the Bellmon Administration.

Fun fact

While at the University of Oklahoma, T. Howard McCasland was awarded the Letzeiser Medal for outstanding achievement as a scholar, was a member of the 1915 all victorious football team, was captain and center of the 1915-1916 basketball team and in that season scored a record 407 points—a school record that endured for more than 25 years. Following graduation, he served for one season as athletic director and coach of Northern Oklahoma Junior College (now Northern Oklahoma College) at Tonkawa before entering World War I.

Oklahoma connections

McCasland was born at Hope, near Duncan, Indian Territory.









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